Sunday 3 February 2013

Part 4 the budget review

Over a month into the challenge now. I thought it would be a good time to do a budget review. Something I imagine most people dont do but it really would be beneficial to their wallet. Im always shocked when I watch programs on the TV ( I havnt sold it yet haha) and they ask people simple questions about how much their house costs to run and things like that and people have no idea, none whatsoever.

So here is myne, all the bills,personal loans & mortgage are taken care of from our wages.

Guest £39, £39/£20
Sold cloths by weight £3.20, £8
Toni tip at work £2
Old lottery ticket £10 Old scratch card £5
Brothers contribution to a gift for my cousin £15
Money found in loft £3.34
Take back broken things Dog Lead £8
Christmas gifts taken back :( £46, £30
Money owed off friends £50

  • A whoooping £278.54 brought in for month 1

Food £88.35 (usually nearer £250)
Transport £4.60
Spare room blind & screws £13
Prescriptions £21
Pet foods £6
Tonis 2 nights out £70 { will have to but a ban on these, just joking tonis friends }
EC's nights out £0 ( they dont exist )
Best friends birthday tickets for a night of comedy next month £24
A surprising  £226.95 spent this month

So we managed to earn on top of our wages and save £51.59 in January. Im happy with this, it all means the moneylesschallenge2013 is working. Id love to have more people join me on it. Its really interesting thinking of what you own and how you can turn it into money instead of it being a bunch of things in your loft.

You can turn your shed, car, spare room, drive, loft space all into money. So if you are lucky enough to have bought or own something I feel like you might as well use it to its best because there is someone out there willing to pay to use,buy,borrow or rent it.

Heading into February I have plenty more planned & the sales of my DVD's, old phones ect should all start coming in. I have a new route to go down too the sale of plenty things myself and toni have kept over the years are going to head to EBAY starting with cinema posters, old toys, teapots ect. Its all a bit addictive when you start selling the possessions you clearly dont use or need, you start wanting to even sell those that you do.

Sunday today but I cant go anywhere my car is being rented for the day through Whipcar car rental, I guess 10 items will apear on my ebay site by the end of the day. Off to get that done now.

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