Wednesday 30 January 2013

Part 3 shortage of carrier bags !!!

 Things have been going ok these past few days, the dog did downgrade in food type but she ate it. We all are eating it. Not the dog food. The downgrade.Own brand pasta, fine, the super noodles, just.

Did you ever think you would run out of carrier bags at home? I bet you have stacks of them. Well when you basically stop shopping you stop getting free carrier bags, so I now need to start asking someone, somewhere for carrier bags. Im certainly not spending money on black bags, what a waste, does anyone still do this?

Next stage of things. Have you ever been in your loft to see if just maybe you can find food? Its not the most common place to go thats for sure. So toni nips up there to see what he can find. a little bag of storeroom items, suet, old jam, old chutney. Rank and all out of date.... HaaaaHaaaa a packet of after eight mints. A year or so out of date but whos counting. Usually im not an out of date eater i can tell by sight and smell if things are way above my pallet levels. But these slightly now white choccies will fill an evening gap me thinks.

And it pays to be nice, oh yey. A customer of myne from my shop came in to leave some chocloates for me, nothing to do with my 2013moneylesschallenge just a gesture which has already made every evening since lovely, a mouthfull sized piece of chocolate goes a long way to cheering girls up.

Count up, first big count up, have a little rummage in the selected money box look at the earned collum looking good, look at the spend collum its hardly anything. So this is working. How much could you save in 3 weeks period that you earned as well as your wages. Take a guess. Well there is an astonishing £130 in this box. So when times get tough I have savings. When all is sold I have savings. When I am hungry I have savings. This is security, relief & like a blanket of warmth wrapped arround me. Its really nice but I seem to have slowed the earning process since.

Jelousy is nothing I have ever felt, if you want something you work then you buy it. You save then you buy it, my views. But at the moment I cant help feeling that the people arround me are wasting their money. Resetment or Jelousy. Time is money so their time too I guess. My brother called with asking me if I fancied the cinema but not on Orange wednesday??? or cheap tuesday . No way would I pay double the price for something I can get cheaper.Not these days. I quickly knock back the offer. Kindly. My mother is next on the phone. The most frugal lady I know. Asking me to come along .... ( rare treat for her too) 'no thanks i need to save i dont know when things are going to get worse' mum 'ill pay' WHHHHawawiaa 'no thanks, im not on this challenge to sponge off my family im on this to prove a point about a wastefull nation, to save and to cut back '

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